Modern data warehouse – porównanie synapse dedicated pool z standarowa baza ms sql

Standardowy data warehouse czy synapse dedicated pool?Wybór pomiędzy MS SQL & Synapse Dedicated Pool zależy od konkretnych potrzeb organizacji i rodzaju przetwarzania danych, które mają być obsługiwane. MS SQL Server to tradycyjna baza danych typu relacyjnego o architekturze monolitycznej, która działa na pojedynczym serwerze lub klastrze serwerów. Platforma Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool to zaawansowane rozwiązanie…

Azure App Registration – roles in react SPA (1/2)

Starting work on your new SPA (Single Page Application) and need a solid and FREE authentication and access control mechanism? In that case, the Microsoft Entra service (formerly Azure Active Directory) might be an excellent solution. This post will discuss how to register a SPA in Microsoft Entra step by step, to secure it against…

Azure App Registration – roles in react SPA (2/2)

Part 1 We continue the implementation of a free and robust authentication and access control mechanism in the SPA application, namely Azure App Registration. In this post, we will use the previously created app registration to create a working demo. Let's move directly to the example described in the Microsoft documentation. LINK. To start running…

Unlock AI Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Benchmark in Azure AI Studio

In this blog, I would like to delve into the possibilities offered by the new Azure AI Studio tool from Microsoft in terms of comparing the capabilities of LLM models. What exactly is Azure AI Studio? Well, quoting the documentation, it is a platform that enables building, testing, and deploying artificial intelligence solutions on the…

AI Security Insights: Navigating Jailbreak Attacks and Content Safety in Azure AI Studio

In this post, we continue our adventure with Azure AI Studio. This time, I would like to discuss the Content Safety module, specifically the "jailbreak detection" functionality. What exactly is a jailbreak attack? In 2023, each of us has surely heard the story or seen for ourselves how ChatGPT users, as well as many other…

Exploring the OPENJSON Function in T-SQL

What is OPENJSON function ?OPENJSON is a powerful T-SQL function that parses JSON text, returning objects and properties as rows and columns. This function converts JSON string formats into schema object formats, making it invaluable for SQL database management. How to declare OPENJSON functon ? OPENJSON function is declare after “from” sentence  Ex. select values…

Boost Your CI/CD Mastering Azure DevOps Variables for great pipelines

W dzisiejszym świecie CI/CD praktycznie w każdym przypadku potrzebujemy możliwości podmiany lub przypisania zmiennych i sekretów. Zarówno na etapie budowania projektu, ale także na etapie "Release'a". Jednym z kluczowych elementów umożliwiających elastyczność i dostosowanie procesów CI/CD są zmienne. W tym wpisie przyjrzymy się, jak zmienne w Azure DevOps mogą pomóc w efektywnym zarządzaniu projektem i…