Refresh Button for DataSet in Power BI Report

Odświeżanie DataSetu z pozycji raportu - dodanie Refresh Button do raportu PowerBIAby utworzyć przycisk do odświeżania danych należy postępować według poniższych kroków. 1. Check if you have Power Automate in your Power BI visualization tools. If not, install it from Power BI visuals." 2. Click on the Power Automate for Power BI icon. 3. On…

What is Microsoft Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI? Power BI is a comprehensive Microsoft tool that assists organizations in transforming data into clear reports and attractive visualizations. Through integration with diverse sources such as databases and Excel files, it enables efficient analysis, collection, and presentation of information. A key feature is the ability to analyze data in real-time, supporting dynamic…

Paginated reports in Power BI

Paginated Reports in Power BI are specialized reports meticulously designed for printing and document-like presentation. They offer pixel-perfect formatting, making them ideal for situations where consistency across various devices and the need for print-ready documents are paramount. Advantages of Paginated Reports: 1. Pixel-Perfect Precision: Paginated Reports stand out for their pixel-perfect formatting, ensuring the report's…